Algorithms, Complexity Theory and Optimisation Group

Academic Staff

Dr. Olga Anosova
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Geometric Data Science & Topological data analysis in crystallography, materials chemistry, and structural biology, Data Science Theory and Applications
Dr. John Fearnley
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Algorithmic game theory, computational complexity, and formal verification
Prof. Martin Gairing
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Algorithmic game theory, efficiency of equilibria, combinatorial optimisation, approximation algorithms. the price of anarchy
Prof. Leszek Gasieniec
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Algorithms, Distributed Computing and Communication, Networks and Search Problems with applications
Prof. Piotr Krysta
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Combinatorial & continuous optimisation, approximation algorithms, algorithmic mechanism design, algorithmic game theory, graph algorithms, statistical learning theory, randomised algorithms & probabilistic analysis, computational complexity
Dr. Louwe Kuijer
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Modal logics, especially dynamic epistemic logic
Prof Vitaliy Kurlin
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New methods of Geometric and Topological Data Science with applications to Materials, Computer Vision and Climate
Prof. Rida Laraki
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Game theory, social choice, economic theory, optimization, learning, and operations research
Nikhil Mande
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Computational complexity theory
Dr. Othon Michail
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Distributed Computing, Algorithms and Complexity, Computability, Algorithmic Theory of Dynamic Networks, and Programmable Matter
Dr. Anish Mukherjee
Prof. Igor Potapov
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Head of Group
Reachability questions, decidable/undecidable problems concerning automata, formal languages, semigroups and iterative maps. Algorithms and combinatorics on words, abstract algebra, topology and computation theory. Distributed computational models
Dr. David Purser
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Weighted automata, Vector addition systems and Infinite state systems
Prof. Rahul Savani
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Game Theory, Algorithms & Complexity, Machine Learning, Automated Trading, Agent-Based Modelling
Prof. Sven Schewe
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Automata theory, game theory (especially finite games of infinite duration) verification, reinforcement learning, temporal logic, Markov games and decision processes, control theory, equilibria, agent & game logics
Dr. Joachim Spoerhase
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Combinatorial Optimization; Algorithms (Approximation Algorithms, Fixed-Parameter Approximation); Hardness of Approximation; Clustering and Location; Network Design; Computational Geometry
Dr. Karteek Sreenivasaiah
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Theory of Computation; Computational Complexity
Dr. John Sylvester
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Discrete probability; Temporal graph problems
Dr. Tony Tan
Logic in computer science; Automata and formal languages; Database theory and systems
Prof. Patrick Totzke
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Logics, automata, game theory and computer-aided verification
Dr. Konstantinos Tsakalidis
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Algorithms and data structures, particularly with respect to techniques in computational geometry and graph processing
Dr. Sebastian Wild
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Design and analysis of algorithms, computing over compressed data, sorting algorithms, and fundamental data structures
Prof. Dominik Wojtczak
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Probabilistic systems, game theory, coalition games, control theory, verification of embedded systems
Prof. Prudence Wong
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Design and analysis of algorithms for optimization problems, on-line and approximation algorithms, energy efficient scheduling, graph and network algorithms, network communication algorithms, computational biology
Dr. Viktor Zamaraev
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Discrete mathematics; graph theory; combinatorics; graph algorithms; temporal graphs/networks; distributed graph algorithms

Research Staff

Joe Jerome
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Reinforcement Learning agents
Namrata Namrata